New Projects in the New Year

I finally finished my 70’s Suede Jacket. After the main piece (fronts and back all knit as one piece) was finished, the sleeves really flew, and then I wimped out and sent this out to be finished. I’ll report on how it looks once I get it back.

My new project is the Ribwarmer from the Fall 2006 Vogue Knitting. I am using a beautiful rusty shade of Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride Worsted–“Prairie Fire.” This is a cool little item–you knit it all in one piece, casting on, binding off, etc. with lots of little cable panels until it turns into a cute little cropped, cabled vest. Here’s how it looks so far:

I am also cruising along (although slowly, because this Ribwarmer is kind of addicting!) on my STR Titania’s Revenge Socks. Here’s how they look so far, with about one more 10-row repeat of the leg left to go:

Speaking of Socks That Rock, I am one of the people who received the unbelievable email from them stating that their bank couldn’t believe so many people would sign up for the Rockin’ Sock Club! It’s been fun reading all of the outraged bloggers’ comments about this fiasco. These bankers have probably learned a valuable lesson about the collective buying power and passion of knitters.

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